Apr 26, 2007


An employment related test showed my leadership type as diplomatic, this test is surprisingly accurate into a deep extend.

What is diplomatic? In my sarcastic way of description, it is the ultimate con man being used and trust in its best. It is the contact interface and first line defense of a system.

What differs a con and a diplo is that con will trick both inward and outward in order to get benefit for itself, and a diplo will only trick outward if it benefit inwards. Sad truth about a diplo is that they have to be confidence of what it represent all the time for and weakness they shown might risk what's on their back. For example, in country to country scale diplomatic, any sign of nervous shown on a diplo's face might cause button press or troops deployed. For any wild guess, even non rational ones, might fit in to description creating huge chaos.

The only facial expression that they can ever display is a perfect smile, not too much nor less. A good diplo is one that can override all personal feelings but can still precept feeling of other for all processing and calculation in a real time situation in order to comprehend the real deal of what they be facing.

Without understanding of others, a meeting would just be like talking to a wall or command input to a frozen computer, no idea if the command will be processed or accepted at all. No facial expression, and always doubtful on anything, even itself, for peace and safety.

Most important of all is that a diplo duty is to deal with large scale interactions which they are unable to cause or stop. That's why a consulate's car is considered land of that consulate and authorities won't ticket such car because it is intrusion of another country, which could mean war.

What would you do if a non US cop, not Interpol either, stop you in US land and give you a ticket that you have to pay to that non US country?

P.S. A spy is whom trick inward to benefit outward. For trustful and ability approved personnel, simple busting is good enough for anyone to judge. Worse when diplo have tried to save face of all and failed. It doesn't and haven't done anything, when it be monitored by every party already.

Apr 25, 2007

Prisoner's Dew Llama

For in/out of box mind, non-envious follow by forgiveness is the move for those who play by book in game theory. In a beyond box mind, one could stay nice as an exit strategy to conserve more resource for another game.

If situation permit only win-lose or lose-lose, always nice can also be effective as a bait to lure opposing side into losing which will ironically promoted the would have been losing side into winning.

It's not the box that kept people in, it's people have the box to kept them in for safe. Beyond box is not no box, which is total risk, it's risk reduction to re-enable a safe game instead.

Apr 23, 2007

Milking cows, unwilling flag in ladies and vegetables

For those who have been to a farm with cow (or ox? my engulishe horillible), its a good opportunity to know how to milk those black and white cow with big pinkie titties, ever wonder why would they stay there and let a human milk them? To modern people, it is something that is hard to understand, unlike mothers, its easier for them.

In the aspect of an animal, their brain will sent unpleasant signal if needs aren't satisfied, and signal of pleasure as feedback when designated organs are being stimulated. Put it this way, for a female with improper wired brain who suffer from not being able to obtain feedback in ordinary way, might as well enjoy what traditionally perceived as suffering for human brain will strengthen the feedback to override the suffering, which is still higher by the dosage amount minus the suffer deduction.

Please don't get me wrong, all of the above have requirements, which is the agree from the host of such body. Without permit, its will not be tolerate by any individual, organizations made up with individuals and rules by organization agree by majority of individuals to help us live as a whole.

For elder human who have high risk of heart problem due to a high sodium in blood level tend to eat more vegetable and less salt. However the kind of vegetable that reduce most sodium, have the most sodium in itself. Reason? The green itself have most sodium must have high level of sodium resistance, when we take it, our body will simply take the higher level good resistance the body needs and discard the unwanted sodium which made the process more effective.

Good things work mysteriously, bad things work destructively and the ugly is writing and horny, going masturbate.

For the time being

Since the first post, the reason for blogging is only to find a place to put on some of my thoughts, so that I can review myself in future. No idea that it would ever be read by others.

"I must have under estimated the net which have to power to rock my life. The process of mind reformat should be complete in little time, and should have no new blog as an appreciation for granted freedom to be alive and free from camp."

My crazy response to illusions from mental illness.